The following appendices are referenced within the guide text, but also available separately for convenience. Appendix 1 – CAMHS SitRep – Data Collection Fields – Definitions / Guidance Appendix 2 – CAMHS OPEL Auto – Calculation Framework Appendix 3 – CAMHS Admission Referrals and Repatriation View – New Patient Form – Definitions / Guidance
Audit Logs
The SMART system records all saved user activities and tracks every action undertaken by users. The system will record time/date entry/user and the information which has been submitted and any subsequent changes. These logs can be viewed within a patient record or within the Site Singular Day View Dashboards.
In addition to the ability to download dashboards as PDF through the embedded PDF download function, data can be downloaded in CSV file through the report option within the navigation bar (subject to access permissions).
Admission Referrals and Repatriation View – Dashboard
This view provides an at a glance view of all the CAMHS admission referrals and repatriations either from or to a selected Trust or provider collaborative.
Application of a Decision to Admit (DTA)
On applying a DTA time within a patient record a visual DTA countdown clock starts. The clock will only stop when the record is updated that the patient has left the location in which the DTA has been applied (e.g., an emergency department (ED) or mental health assessment unit (non-acute trust)). However, DTA time can […]
CAMHS Admission Referrals and Repatriation View – New Patient Form
Please note that no clinical or patient identifiable information should be placed in any section of a patient form. No medical record numbers, NHS numbers or other patient system related reference should be recorded as this will be considered patient identifiable information and as such a breach of data protection requirements and require reporting through […]
CAMHS Admission Referrals and Repatriation View
This module within the CAMHS CMS allows providers to have an accurate shared list of patients who have been referred for admission to a CAMHS bed or for repatriation between mental health providers from multiple settings. Up to three organisations can be nominated within a patient form and each of those providers will have a […]
Sitrep and OPEL dashboards
CAMHS Sit-Rep dashboards are populated from the most up to date data that is submitted in the data collection form. It is critical therefore that data is of a high quality, contemporaneous, and updated in line with submission time and frequency requirements. Please note where Trust is referenced this is also intended to include other […]
Sitrep Data Collection Form – Countdown Clock(s) and Reminder Email Functionality
To support timely completion of the CAMHS sit-rep data collection form, each individual collection time is bound to a countdown clock. In addition to being a visual reminder, the clock function will in the case of incomplete or late submissions initiate after 15 minutes of each of the deadlines send email reminders to a defined […]
Sitrep Data Collection Form – Updating and Saving the Data
Outside of the minimum reporting times there may be many reasons to update already completed data fields. This may include but is not limited to amending an error, improving data quality, and providing additional comments. To undertake this task, a user will need to access the data collection form and update the field through selecting […]