The following appendices are referenced within the guide text, but also available separately for convenience. Appendix 1 – Mental Health Sit Rep Data Collection Fields: definitions/guidance Appendix 2 – Opel auto-calculation framework Appendix 3 – Mental Health Admission Referrals and Repatriations View – New Patient Form: definitions/guidance
General guidance
Audit logs
The SMART system records all saved user activities and tracks every action undertaken by users. The system will record time/date entry/user and the information which has been submitted and any subsequent changes. These logs can be viewed within a patient record or within the Site Singular Day View Dashboards.
Access and permissions
Each Trust is responsible for the information governance arrangements of all its employees for which it requests access to defined SMART data sets, sit-reps and dashboards. Access permissions relating to a user account will vary dependent on the user role within their organisation and organisational reporting arrangements. Permissions are provided and monitored in the following […]
Mental Health Capacity Management System (CMS) SMART’s integrated mental health features enable providers to track their patient flow between care settings, as well as view historical and in-day current demand and capacity. Collating information over time, SMART can also assist in informing future capacity planning. Mental Health Capacity Management View The mental health capacity management […]