CAMHS Sit-Rep dashboards are populated from the most up to date data that is submitted in the data collection form. It is critical therefore that data is of a high quality, contemporaneous, and updated in line with submission time and frequency requirements.
Please note where Trust is referenced this is also intended to include other organisations that are part of the natural clinical flow of the provider collaboratives.
CAMHS – Site (Trust) Singular Day View Dashboard:
This dashboard displays, as a table, all data and comments inputted within the data collection form, for the selected Trust and date. In day it will show; the most up to date information, retrospectively it will show the last updated position; and an audit log of changes made to the selected data set.
This data can be extracted as PDF from this location.
CAMHS – Site (Trust) Singular Day View Dashboard (All Times):
This view is identical to the site singular view dashboard, but will show information completed within each of the 1000hrs and 1700hrs forms.
This data can be extracted as PDF from this location.
CAMHS – Sites (Trusts) Week View Dashboard:
This dashboard displays, as a table, all data and any comments placed on the data collection form for a Trust. This displays information for each day of the week and historical data from the previous week and the six-week average.
This dashboard will show the last updated position for each field for each complete calendar day within that week.
There is no audit log view within this dashboard. Therefore, to ascertain the last known position time for an update to a field, please revert to either the data collection form for that date or the Site Singular Day Dashboards.
This data can be extracted as PDF from this location.
CAMHS – Provider Collaborative Sites (Trusts) by Week View Dashboard:
This view is identical to the site (Trust) singular week view dashboard, but displays the information for each trust within a Provider Collaborative area.
CAMHS – Provider Collaborative Day View Dashboard:
This dashboard displays, as a table, all aggregated data at each provider collaborative level from data inputted by the relevant Trusts or organisations that form part of each provider collaborative. In day it will show; the most up to date information, retrospectively it will show the last updated position.
This data can be extracted as PDF from this location.
CAMHS – Provider Collaborative Week View Dashboard:
This dashboard displays, as a table, all aggregated data at each provider collaborative level from data inputted by the relevant Trusts or organisations that form part of each provider collaborative. This displays information for each day of the week and historical data from the previous week and the six-week average.
This dashboard will show the last updated position for each field for each complete calendar day within that week.
This data can be extracted as PDF from this location.
CAMHS – Provider Collaborative Bed Availability Dashboard:
This dashboard allows all CAMHS organisations with access to the system, surge hubs and ICS within an NHSE region to ‘at a glance’ view CAMHS bed availability across the region at provider collaborative level and the overall OPEL level at each of the organisations within each provider collaborative.
Should a Trust not have updated their data from the previous calendar day, this dashboard will provide a narrative alert within the view to warn the data is out of date.
CAMHS – OPEL Dashboard by Sites (Trusts):
This dashboard displays the OPEL of a Trust. This OPEL will be auto-calculated from information submitted into the data collection form within the following fields:
- Bed Occupancy %
- Patients waiting to be admitted from all settings
- Total discharged (No.)
- Fit for discharge (No.)
- Number of patients placed outside of natural clinical flow (No.)
- Beds closed to admission (No.)
Please see Appendix 2 for OPEL calculation parameters, Additional information in relation to OPEL can be found at